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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: X The Mystery"
The Optimystic's Handbook Terry Lynn Taylor and Mary Beth Crain on how security can take us away from our real purpose.
In Praise of Animals A poem by J. David Scheyer on x-the mystery.
How the Light Gets In A blessing for a writer in the form of a poem by Pat Schneider.
A Spiritual Life Elizabeth Liebert on being in awe of the Holy Mystery underlying all things.
No Ordinary Time Jan Phillips on waking up every morning with thank you on your lips.
The Way of Wisdom Margaret Silf on appreciating and honoring the mysteries of all things.
Sacred Darkness Paul Coutinho on life beginning and ending in darkness.
Prayers for Healing Jim Cohn's poem on carrying the cure within yourself.
I'm God; You're Not Lawrence Kushner on the glorious, horrible mess we call creation as a continuous manifestation of the Divine.
Sufi Talks Robert Frager on using the phrase "Only God Knows" as a firewall against the ego.